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On this episode of #mensexpleasure, Samantha Zipporah returns to chat with. Samantha is a fertility, sex, & cycle educator, author, & activist with over 20 years of experience. She is devoted to breaking the spells of oppression in reproductive & sexual health through collective healing, liberation, & education. A former birth doula, she provides radical love for navigating the womb continuum & reclaiming ancestral wisdom. Sam’s unique praxis weaves a balance of scientific data & spiritual presence to offer knowledge & embodied wisdom for claiming inner authority, pleasure, & power in fertility, sex, & cycles. Sam provides vital education for everyone from professionals to preteens and inspires individuals to claim their power through body literacy & sovereignty. The two of us pick up where we left off from our previous conversation and talk about the parallels between ejaculation and ovulation, and how men can take responsibility for their ejaculation by learning about the energetics of ejaculation and practicing what I call conscious ejaculation.
Key points:
Samantha reintroduces herself
How do we reach men?
Unexpected pregnancies in the Tantra community
Conscious ejaculation/ovulation
Fertility awareness and pleasure
Presence and consent
The energetics of ejaculation
Connecting with ancient wisdom
Relevant links:
Samantha’s website: www.samanthazipporah.com
Samantha’s Facebook: facebook.com/samanthazipporah
Samantha’s Instagram: @samanthazipporah
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