Enhance Your Sex Life & Relationships
As a grounded and empathetic Sex Coach, I'll help you improve your sex life and deepen your relationships. Benefit from practical advice on male sex toys, a balanced perspective on pornography, and a unique blend of academic knowledge and esoteric practices.
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Working with Cam has been a transformative experience. I am much more aware of how to manage my sexual energies and have released a HUGE amount of shame around my sexuality as a result of the work we did together. It definitely wasn’t easy, but the growth was worth it for sure.

Hi, I'm Cam Fraser
Australia's Leading Men's Sex Coach
Cam Fraser is a Professional Sex Coach, certified with the World Association of Sex Coaches. With a Graduate Diploma in Sexology, Cam is also a certified Sexologist and the current Deputy Chair for the Society of Australian Sexologists. He is a Registered Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists and works both with clients in a one-on-one capacity as well as with other coaches in a teacher trainer or supervisor role.

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eBook: The New Male Sexuality
Masculinity, Sexuality, Male Bodies, and Men's Experiences of Pleasure
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It’s very satisfying to look back to the day I started working with Cam and realize how much I’ve learned. I felt empowered to go through experiences that I never thought I could because I felt his support. I had someone to share this situations with, learn from them and move forward. I’m more aware about my thoughts and behaviors, I have a healthier relationship with myself and others and I now feel very hopeful and excited for what’s yet to come in regards to my sex and relationships life.
I approached Cam at a time when I was facing major challenges that were affecting me deeply. I felt low, demoralised, despairing. I wondered if, perhaps, as an older man, my life being actively sexual was over. Working with Cam has transformed both my outlook and my expectations. Not all my difficulties are ‘resolved’ in the neat, linear way I had in mind at the outset, but instead I have a sense of possibilities opening up, of learning, of discovering new capacities. I am coming into a different relationship with myself, my sexuality, and my lover. Cam has been absolutely instrumental to this shift. He has been a consistent, wise, supportive, deeply knowledgeable companion; and although our work is finished he will, in a strong sense, remain so: the work continues.
Thank you my brother, for all that you shared with me and all that I learned during the time we spent together, it has been a fantastic year and an incredible journey to embark on with you as my guide! Changed my life in so many ways. I have read your last mail many times now and there's so much in there to process and put into practical use, along with all the rest that we've touched on during this time. Again my brother and from my deep heart, thank you. I feel proud to call you my guide and friend.