#144 Deconstructing Erectile Dysfunction with Cam Fraser

by Content Editor // January 3 // 0 Comments

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This is another solo episode of #mensexpleasure. In this episode, I share my thoughts about erectile dysfunction. I thought it might be interesting and useful to have an entire podcast episode dedicated to erectile dysfunction so that it could potentially be used as a resource for others. Feel free to share this around if you have someone asking about erection issues.

Key Points:
Welcome back
Defining erectile dysfunction
Unrealistic expectations
Difficulty getting an erection
Arousal non-concordance
Safety and masturbation patterns
Viagra and ED medication
Can we trust prevalence rates?
Emotional erections

Relevant links:
Cam’s Patreon: https://patreon.com/thecamfraser
Cam’s YouTube video about ED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_WsxyIb6Jg

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