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On episode 14 of the Men, Sex & Pleasure podcast, I chat with Taylor Johnson about sexual energy sublimation. Taylor is a sex educator and intimacy coach who helps men master their sex lives in an integrated way. Our philosophies about masculinity and sexuality seem to align and so Taylor and I had a great conversation about the practical elements of sexual energy transmutation and sublimation.
If you’ve ever been interested in learning how to work with sexual energy and use it to create and manifest other things, this is the episode for you.
Key points:- Taylor’s personal reflections
– Ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation
– NoFap vs Sublimation
– The difference between transmutation and sublimation
– No woo-woo advice for moving sexual energy
– Change the way you masturbate
– The role of porn in sublimation practices
– Sharing sexual energy with a partner
Relevant links:
Taylor’s Instagram @taylorclarkjohnson
Taylor’s website – https://www.taylorjohnson.life
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