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On this episode of the #mensexpleasure podcast, I chat with The Authentic Man, David Chambers. David empowers men to create the exciting and deeply connected dating lives, sex lives and relationships they long for by developing their true authentic selves. As a Dating & Intimacy coach, coaching men for over a decade, David guides men to create authentic attraction, build deep emotional connections, embody healthy masculinity, and experience connected sexual intimacy. By helping them build self-awareness, emotional intelligence and self-leadership. The two of us talk about finding your purpose and how to balance this with your passions as well as the most common self-imposed barriers that men face when dating. David also shares about his experience as a Black man in the UK doing this work.
Key Points:
– David shares about his work and passions
– Purpose vs passion
- Co-creating attraction and intimacy
– Overthinking and anxiety
– Treating dating like a video game
– Invitations vs expectations
– British masculinity and being a Black man
– Race and the white spirituality community
Relevant Links:
David’s Website: https://www.theauthenticman.net/
David’s Instagram: @theauthenticman_
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