#147 Men’s Work: An Aboriginal Perspective with Seth Westhead

by Content Editor // January 24 // 0 Comments

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Seth Westhead is a proud Father, Husband, Aboriginal health researcher, Men’s mentor and host of The Sentient Savage podcast. With family connections to the Awabakal (Ah-Wah-Bah-Cul) and Wiradjuri (Wi-rad-Jury) nations of NSW, Seth draws on his ancestral knowledge systems and practices to guide his work as a multi-contextual space holder. Seth also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition/Physiology and a Master’s Degree in Public Health, utilizing his deep understanding of the body and determinants of health to advocate for holistic approaches to health and wellbeing services and supports. Within his personal life, work and business, Seth strives to uphold the values of self-development, equity, agency and personal sovereignty. The two of us talk about his experience as an Aboriginal man in Men’s Work spaces, covering topics like cultural appropriation, archetypes and Aboriginal mythology, and personal accountability and integrity.

Key Points:
Seth introduces himself
What does it mean to “hold space”?
Regulated vs unregulated industries
Personal accountability
Professional integrity
Aboriginal archetypes
Cultural appropriation

Relevant links:
Seth’s Instagram: @s_westhead
Seth’s website: https://sentientsavage.my.canva.site/

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