#109 Pregnancy, Birth Trauma, and Fatherhood (with Claire Eccleston)

by Content Editor // November 16 // 0 Comments

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On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Claire Eccleston. Claire is a mother of three beautiful children, an experienced registered midwife, a Spinning Babies® approved trainer and a biodynamic craniosacral therapist. Claire has been supporting women’s transitions since 2000. Attending births, offering childbirth education, pregnancy yoga and providing bodywork sessions. Claire is a dynamic facilitator offering national, international and online workshops and speaking at conferences and events around the globe. Claire is passionate about the ancient and sacred arts of birth work, bodywork and where they meet. Claire has a deep reverence for our bodies, the rhythms of our physical nature and our earthy intelligence. She honours this womb work with deep reverence, respect and gentleness. The two of us talk about the impact of pregnancy and birth on the body. I reflect on my experience as a father and non-birthing partner.

Key points:
Claire introduces herself
The journey of pregnancy and birth
Our bodies hold stories
Releasing and re-writing these stories
How non-birthing partners can support
Cam reflects on his experience of birth
Transitioning into fatherhood

Relevant links
Claire’s Instagram: @clairehomebirth
Claire’s website: https://www.claireecclestonmidwife.com/

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