August 17, 2024

It is natural for erection firmness to wax and wane throughout a sexual experience.Many of us expect a penis to be hard the whole time we’re being sexual, but this is sometimes unrealistic, especially during longer sexual encounters. If a penis does go soft, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is an emotional or physical block,

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August 11, 2024

I’ve noticed a tendency in the spirituality and sacred sexuality communities to valorise so-called ancient wisdom and disparage more contemporary teachings. There seems to be a belief in these (predominantly white) communities that the practices of ancient civilizations – particularly non-white ones – are superior and should be emulated. Of course, there are incredible practices and

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August 4, 2024

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion.” You’ve probably heard this expression, perhaps you’ve said it yourself. I know I have. It’s sometimes framed as, “Let’s agree to disagree.” But I recently read something by philosopher Patrick Stokes which challenged this. Stokes explains that “I’m entitled/have a right to my opinion” is a logical fallacy used to

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July 28, 2024

Merriam-Webster defines pornography as the depiction of erotic behaviour intended to cause sexual excitement. A similar definition is used in psychology, including “images of exposed genitals and/or depictions of sexual behaviours” that “is intended to increase sexual arousal” (Morgan, 2011). However, some researchers include media that show only nudity with no sexual contact in their definition

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July 21, 2024

I just watched High Score, a docuseries about the history of video games. It got me curios about the intersection of video games and sex, because sexuality is present in every part of our lives.I’m not super familiar with the video game industry but I do know of Gamergate, the online harassment campaign primarily targeting

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July 14, 2024

Virginity testing is a practice typically used by certain communities to detect which women or girls are virgins. There are also some communities which test for men and boy’s virginity. For example, in Vietnam, traditional medicine practitioner Pham Thi Hong believes she can test for a man’s virginity by checking to see if he has a

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