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On this episode of The Men, Sex & Pleasure podcast, I chat with Sascha Haert. Relationships are, and have always been, the most important thing Sascha’s my life. Born into a loving and present family, in a home that sat next to a firing line in communist East Berlin, Sascha learned the incredible power of healthy relationships from an early age. As a former professional basketball player and captain of the Junior National Team he went on travels around the world and grew into a life of successful entrepreneurship, investing, building and managing 6-7 figure businesses across Europe & Asia. Fueled by his passion to understand the art of human relating, Sascha moved to Bali to explore the spiritual side of life, discovering the powerful practices of meditation, yoga & energy work. He became fascinated with helping others to appreciate and access the power of navigating relationships successfully in all areas of life. Seeing others get to the point where they can apply these skills in their lives and benefit from them has become one of his greatest pleasures. The two of us talk about Sascha’s work with women and how his clients relate with the men in their lives. We also talk about our differing opinions regarding semen retention and sexual practices.
Key Points:
- Sascha shares about his passions and work
– Building confidence to have better sex
– Men who feel intimidated by women
– You are not your partner’s coach
– Fear of leaving a relationship
– Entrepreneurship and financial independence
– Nourishment and connecting in with your body
– The masculine seeks freedom
– Semen retention vs conscious ejaculation
– The symbolism of ejaculation
– Ejaculation shaming
– Semen retention and meditation
Relevant Links
Sascha’s Instagram: @sascha_haer
Sascha’s Website: www.saschahaert.com
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