#156 Cliteracy for Men with Dr Laurie Mintz

by Content Editor // March 27 // 0 Comments

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On this episode of the #mensexpleasure podcast, I chat with Dr. Laurie Mintz, a Professor at the University of Florida where she teaches Human Sexuality to hundreds of undergraduates yearly. She has published over 55 academic works. She is the author of two popular press books—both with published studies demonstrating their effectiveness: Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters and How to Get It and A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex. Mintz has a private practice, working with clients on general and sexual issues. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, indicating that her work has had a positive national influence on the field of psychology.

Key points:
Laurie introduces herself
Eating disorders and sexuality
Penis size anxiety
Representations of the penis
The importance of the clitoris
Prioritizing pleasure with vibrators
Men being invested in women’s pleasure
Closing the orgasm gap

Relevant links:
Laurie’s Website: https://www.drlauriemintz.com/
Laurie’s Instagram: @drlauriemintz
Cam’s Patreon: https://patreon.com/thecamfraser/

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