#138 Fatherhood: Navigating Intimacy & Connection with Tully O’Connor

by Content Editor // November 30 // 0 Comments

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On this extra long episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with my good friend Tully O’Connor. Tully is a committed father and husband who has a deep passion for supporting people to access their full creative potential in life, love and leadership. Through his transformational coaching programs and events, Tully supports men to cultivate more confidence, depth and fulfillment in every area of their lives. He also works with couples to support them in developing rock solid foundations for a secure, connected and intimate relationship. The two of us talk about being fathers and how our lives have changed since the birth of our sons. We talk about the ways in which we’ve had to navigate intimacy with our wives and the importance of intentionally connecting with them as well as with the men in our lives.

Key points:
Tully and I drop in
Conscious conception and miscarriage
The birthing process and trauma
Toddlerdom and intimacy
Expectations about sex
Support for families
Values and communication

Relevant links:
Tully’s Instagram: @tullyoconnor
Tully’s Website: https://www.tullyoconnor.com/
Cam’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecamfraser

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